Webinar: Time to Re-Think Your Asset Allocation

For financial advisors, the “core portfolio” has traditionally consisted of a mix of stocks and bonds – commonly referred to as the “60/40”. The relationship between stock and bond returns is one of the fundamental building blocks of modern financial portfolios, with the core premise being that stocks generate high total returns, while bonds lower the volatility of the portfolio. And over the past few years, the 60/40 portfolio has delivered superior risk-adjusted returns. However, past performance is not indicative of future results, and we believe 60/40 portfolio out-performance is over.

In the video below, John Forlines III (CIO and Professor of Behavioral Finance) and Nick Lobley (Portfolio Manager) discuss the evolution of the “core portfolio” and the benefits of our Global Tactical Suite.

Photo of John

John Forlines, III

Chief Investment Officer
Photo of Nick

Nick Lobley

Portfolio Manager

Recorded February 23, 2021

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